The nation that will insist upon drawing a broad line of distinction between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards.
-- Sir William Francis Butler
This book provides a framework for assessing China's extensive cyber espionage efforts and multi-decade modernization of its military, not only identifying the "what" but also addressing the "why" behind China's focus on establishing information dominance as a key component of its military efforts.
• Provides a detailed overview and thorough analysis of Chinese cyber activities
• Makes extensive use of Chinese-language materials, much of which has not been utilized in the existing Western literature on the subject
• Enables a better understanding of Chinese computer espionage by placing it in the context of broader Chinese information warfare activities
• Analyzes Chinese military modernization efforts, providing a context for the ongoing expansion in China's military spending and reorganization
• Offers readers policy-relevant insight into Chinese military thinking while maintaining academic-level rigor in analysis and source selection