Books by Winston S. Churchill
Winston S. Churchill has written 1 book that appears on various military reading lists. Here is that book along with the lists that included it, past and present.
The Second World War, Volume 1: The Gathering Storm |
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- On May 27 2017 David (USA) read this book
- On May 05 2017 dugnforthunt (USN) read this book
- On Nov 22 2009 stacyshouse read this book
On Nov 29 2008
Tom Copeland (USCG)
read this book
and commented:
In one of his many memorable quotes, Churchill said, "History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it". "The Gathering Storm" is the first in Churchill's superb series on WW II, and I think it's the best of the lot. I'm an American, so it was especially interesting to read a survey of WW II from a British perspective.