The nation that will insist upon drawing a broad line of distinction between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards.
-- Sir William Francis Butler
This collection of essays features the careers and lives of twelve air leaders who made unique and lasting contributions to the making of the U.S. Air Force. Those whose stories are told include Hoyt Vandenberg, Nathan Twining, George Kenney, Frank Andrews, Benjamin Davis, William Kepner, Benjamin Foulois, Elwood Quesada, Hugh Knerr, Robbie Risner, Bernard Schriever, and Harold George. "An indispensible reference work for anyone interested in the history of the service" - Richard P. Hallion, Air Force Historian. Originally published by the Air Force History and Museums Program in 1987, then reprinted by the government in 1996. Includes 364 pp w/photos and index.