The nation that will insist upon drawing a broad line of distinction between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards.
-- Sir William Francis Butler
America's experience in Greece has often been cited as a model by those later policymakers in Washington who regard the involvement as a "victory" for American foreign policy. Indeed, President Johnson and others referred to Greece as the model for America's deepening involvement in Vietnam during the mid-1960's. Greece became the battlefield for a new kind of war--one that included the use of guerrilla warfare, propaganda, war in the shadows, terror tactics and victory based on outlasting the enemy. It was also a test before the world of America's resolve to protect the principle of self-determination. Jones argues that American policy towards Greece was the focal point in the development of a global strategy designed to combat totalitarianism. He also argues that had the White House and others drawn the real "lessons" from the intervention in Greece, the decisions regarding Vietnam might have been more carefully thought out.