Books by Greg Jaffe
Greg Jaffe has written 1 book that appears on various military reading lists. Here is that book along with the lists that included it, past and present.
The Fourth Star: Four Generals and the Epic Struggle for the Future of the United States Army |
This book is part of:
- The January 2016 revision of the U. S. Army G-2 reading list
- The October 2014 revision of the The U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence reading list
- The February 2011 revision of the United States Military Academy reading list
- The February 2010 revision of the U.S. Army War College Library reading list
- The January 2010 revision of the Joint Forces Staff College reading list
- On May 05 2017 dugnforthunt (USN) read this book
- On May 22 2015 Tom Copeland (USCG) read this book