Books by William J. Lederer
William J. Lederer has written 1 book that appears on various military reading lists. Here is that book along with the lists that included it, past and present.
The Ugly American |
This book is part of:
- The March 2018 revision of the Defense Intelligence Agency reading list
- The October 2016 revision of the U.S. Pacific Command reading list
- The November 2011 revision of the U.S. European Command reading list
- The September 2009 revision of the Marines reading list
- The November 2008 revision of the Marines reading list
On May 05 2017
dugnforthunt (USN)
read this book
and commented:
- On Feb 26 2015 ryancalvert (USMC) read this book
- On Jan 02 2013 colleen (USA) read this book
On Dec 10 2012
read this book
and commented:
READ 1.21.12
- On Apr 07 2009 mariyta read this book
On Mar 25 2009
Tom Copeland (USCG)
read this book
and commented:
I expected to dislike this book just from its title - I thought it'd be all about how bad Americans are, etc. To the contrary, it weaves together a bunch of vignettes about several different Americans and their actions in and around a fictional eastern country. The scenarios and characters are reasonably believable, although the truly ugly Americans might be a little overdone. Definitely a classic about the difficulties of spreading democracy and fighting totalitarian ideologies - those tasks are hard enough without shooting outselves in the foot.