1. On May 15 2010 Wes Bringham read American Government by Robert A Heineman
  2. On May 15 2010 Wes Bringham read The Sand Pebbles by Richard McKenna
  3. On May 15 2010 Wes Bringham read Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley
  4. On May 15 2010 Wes Bringham read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
  5. On May 15 2010 Wes Bringham read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  6. On May 13 2010 kcholbert (USAF) read Tiger Force: A True Story of Men and War by Michael Sallah
  7. On May 11 2010 kcholbert (USAF) read Imperial Grunts: The American Military on the Ground by Robert D. Kaplan
  8. On May 10 2010 Tom Copeland (USCG) read The Sling and the Stone: On War in the 21st Century by Colonel Thomas X. Hammes USMC and commented:

    Col Hammes does an excellent review of what he calls "fourth generation warfare"; including brief studies of Vietnam, the Russian conflict in Afghanistan, the Israeli-Palestine conflicts, and the Sandinistas. He doesn't mention the French-Algerian war, but that certainly has all the earmarks of this type of conflict. One point he made was that even though the Russians adopted a scorched-earth policy and indiscrimate bombings and shellings, that wasn't enough to ensure victory. So savagry doesn't always equal victory. This book is notable in that Col Hammes actually has the boldness to offer some suggestions on how we can better fight these wars. Generally, he wants less focus on high-tech gadgetry and more focus on winning the media ratings war, hearts and minds, and an overhaul of the DOD rating system and bureaucracy. It's worth a read for this aspect alone.

  9. On Apr 28 2010 kcholbert (USAF) read Two Tankers Down: The Greatest Small-Boat Rescue in U.S. Coast Guard History by Robert Frump
  10. On Apr 24 2010 kcholbert (USAF) read 15 Stars: Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall: Three Generals Who Saved the American Century by Stanley Weintraub
  11. On Apr 11 2010 kcholbert (USAF) read Face of Battle by John Keegan
  12. On Apr 10 2010 kcholbert (USAF) read The Cruel Sea by Nicholas Monsarrat
  13. On Apr 08 2010 Tom Copeland (USCG) read Leading in a Culture of Change by Michael Fullan and commented:

    This small book had some good insights - mostly about emotional vs coercive leadership, empowering folks, etc. It didn't get too soft and squishy; e.g., it acknowledged that sometimes someone has to select and direct. Not bad, and it's a quick read.

  14. On Apr 05 2010 kcholbert (USAF) read The Sand Pebbles by Richard McKenna
  15. On Mar 24 2010 Fred Kiesche (USA) read Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph by T.E. Lawrence and commented:

    I've read it, but it was quite a while ago so my recollection is somewhat blurred. On Mount Tobereadagain!

    (The movie, while romanticized, is also very good. Try to get a restored edition with additional footage, improved print, better sound, etc.)